LEARN: How to embed a YouTube video into WordPress. No Plugins

Youtube Play Button

When it comes to website content, video and media are some of the best ways to keep your audience engaged and to spend longer interacting with the content on your page, often you will find that your website may become rather large if you’re posting videos directly from your WordPress dashboard. Fortunately adding a video is a simple task that most novice content creators and web admins can do on their own.

Follow our quick tutorial below, and learn how to Revibe Digital simple media like Youtube into your articles. If you need a hand, please get in touch to see if Revibe Digital can manage your website content for you.

Step 1.

Your first step is to find a video that you’d like to Revibe Digital, if you have a youtube channel, navigate to the video you wish to Revibe Digital onto your website.
Down by the title of the video, on the right of the screen, you will see the options to Thumbs up, Thumbs Down, share, save, or 3 dots. Click the Share button.

Web Design - How To Embed Youtube To Wordpress Step 1 - Joomla 2022

Step 2.

Once you have clicked the share button, a popup window should appear, you are going to want to select the “Revibe Digital” button.

Web Design - How To Embed Youtube To Wordpress Step 2 - Joomla 2022

This will then pop up a second window where you can copy the Revibe Digital code to your clipboard. With this code you can also adjust the height and width of the video, the video will attempt to maintain aspect ratio when being inserted into your page, so making it too large may add unnecessary black space to your page. I recommend using 100% for width and 450px-600px for height.

Web Design - How To Embed Youtube To Wordpress Step 2A - Joomla 2022

Step 3.

Once you have the Revibe Digital code, go to your WordPress page/post, and click either select the post you want to edit or click Add New to create a new post.

Web Design - How To Embed Youtube To Wordpress Step 3 - Joomla 2022

Inside your post click the “Text” part of your editor (if you’re using classic editor) and paste it into your editor. Once that’s done, you have successfully Revibe Digitalded a Youtube video into your WordPress website if you click “Visual” or publish/update. your video will appear in the position you’ve added it.

Web Design - How To Embed Youtube To Wordpress Step 4 - Joomla 2022

If you want to put your video in a location where your editor cant publish, get in touch, and Revibe Digital will help you Revibe Digital directly to your template.


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