WordPress Ecommerce Services (WooCommerce)

Robust Ecommerce Solutions with our WooCommerce Services

Revibe Digital is your go-to for reliable ecommerce development. Specializing in WooCommerce, we create high-performance online stores tailored to your needs. Our comprehensive package includes ongoing support, troubleshooting, updating, and optimisation. Trust our expertise for the best ecommerce solutions in New Zealand.

Help my WooCommerce store perform Better!

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WooCommerce Services

Are you looking for a reliable New Zealand provider to help your business sell online?

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Custom WooCommerce Design & Development

We understand that every business is different and requires a unique solution. That’s why we offer custom WooCommerce design and development services to create a website that works best for your specific needs. Our developers are knowledgeable in the latest technologies and trends, and they’ll use their expertise to create a website that provides a great user experience.

Our custom WooCommerce designs are responsive, SEO-friendly and highly secure. We will take the time to understand your business goals and objectives, and create a website that can help you achieve them. We don’t use templates, so we build the store you want to help achive your goals.\

Want to sell online? Get in Touch!

Dominate online with these eCommerce Services

We are here to help with all your Woo Commerce Needs!

Setup and Configuration

Setting up Woocommerce for your business requires configuring the software and integrating it with other e-commerce tools and applications. Revibe Digital can help you with the initial setup and configuration of Woocommerce, ensuring that your store is configured correctly and is working properly.

Theme Customization

Woocommerce comes with a variety of themes and templates, but you may need more customisation to make your store stand out from the competition. Revibe Digital can customise your existing theme or create a custom theme from scratch to match your business’s brand and style.

Product Management

Product management is essential for any business selling products. Revibe Digital can help you manage your Woocommerce store’s products, including adding, editing, and deleting products, setting prices, and managing inventory.

Payment Gateway Integration

You’ll need to integrate a payment gateway with your Woocommerce store in order to accept payments from your customers. Revibe Digital can help you integrate the most popular payment gateways, including PayPal, Stripe, and Authorize.net.

SEO Optimisation

SEO is important for any website looking to rank well in search engine results. Revibe Digital can optimise your Woocommerce store to make sure your products and pages are properly indexed and ranked by search engines.

Shipping and Tax Configuration

Setting up shipping and tax rules in your Woocommerce store can be a time-consuming and confusing task. Revibe Digital can assist with configuring shipping rates and taxes for all of your products, so you can maximise your profits.

Security and Maintenance

Keeping your store secure and up to date is essential for keeping customers safe and ensuring that your store is running smoothly. Revibe Digital can help you set up security measures, such as SSL certificates, as well as perform regular maintenance tasks, such as updating plugins and themes.

Coupon Codes & Sales

Coupon codes can be used to increase sales and reward loyal customers. Revibe Digital can help you set up coupon codes in Woocommerce, and track their usage and effectiveness.

Analytics & Tracking

Tracking customer behaviour and sales performance is essential for any online store. Revibe Digital can help you set up analytics to monitor key metrics such as average order value and customer lifetime value.

Inventory Management

We can help you manage and track your products, inventory, and orders. We can provide custom Woocommerce plugins and extensions to streamline the inventory management process.

3rd Party integrations

Do you want to integrate your online store with your POS system? Or how about tracking your data through Google, or your CRM? Get in touch and let’s discuss a path forward for you to achieve your goals.

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Revibe Digital has strong relationships with organisations across New Zealand & Australia